
Saturday, July 24, 2010


Exodus 13:21

The Lord went BEFORE them …

The Lord works most in me through relationships . Work, marriage, friends, family. God has worked something in me through all of them but especially work. When things get hot or difficult…I am paying attention to the Lord b/c I know He is about to do something with me. He is always before me then, I am looking for Him, seeking his face for what’s next, how should I be handling this, what should I be doing…in other parts of my life...not so much

Both scriptures had me thinking about waiting on the Lord’s direction. I could see us all in that desert. One of us over here talking about, “ well, He has been going in this general direction for the last few days so He probably is going to take us that way tomorrow” and “He generally has been waiting a day or so to move so we can probably expect not to move for at least a day”. We would be trying to figure it out. Like in some many parts of our lives…”we got it”

They had just finished building the Tabernacle. How much work went into that. Each time the cloud moved, they had to move with it. They didn’t know how long they were going to be at any given location, they knew only, where the cloud went, they went, WHEN the cloud went they went. They waited until they knew/saw the cloud moving before they went. Sometimes it was a few days, sometimes overnight-they didn’t know beforehand what it was going to be…they were ALWAYS in WAITING. ALWAYS anticipating a move of God. When they got it, they responded. They waited in expectation. (When we pray, are we looking for God to move? Are we expecting God to respond? Are we only looking for our own predetermined answer to prayer? Is God taking too long so you just move on your own?)

For me, this was about waiting on the Lord. So many mistakes are made in life b/c we are just not patient/expectant enough to wait on the Lord. Lord let my spirit be still enough to hear you when you are directing me, help us to be clear enough to hear you and to KNOW when you are speaking to us. Help us to be in constant contact with you and not just when we feel like we need direction. Help us to understand that your Grace truly follows us all of our days b/c you save us from so much that we have not even asked to be saved from. But it’s not just about waiting and hearing, but it’s about KNOWING you have heard from the Lord and it’s not just a fleeting feeling or impatience and then acting on that which the Lord has expressed to you.

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