
Saturday, July 24, 2010

About Being Ready


This morning I am reading in Matthew 25, which talks about being ready for the Lord’s return. The first example is about the bridesmaids, ten of them, 5 of which were prepared with enough oil in their lamps to wait for the grooms coming and 5 without enough. While they were waiting for the groom they all fell asleep. They were awakened with a shout informing them of his arrival and the 5 bridesmaids with enough oil went in with him while the other 5 went to go buy more oil for their lamps. By the time they returned, the door to the marriage feast had been locked. When they begged to be let in the groom said, “I solemnly declare to you, I do not know you[I am not acquainted with you]”.

-I don’t want to be one of the bridesmaids without enough foresight to have enough oil to wait it out. What does the oil represent? I believe it represents lots of things like faith, trust, patience-I would not want to be found without any of these when He returns. Without them I may be taking things into my own hands and doing things I should not be. It could also represent the Holy Spirit-for the non-believer. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation either.

The second example was of the 3 servants whose master went on a long trip and left them each with a certain number of talents that was in proportion to their abilities. The first, who he gave 5 talents to, invested them and doubled what he was given, the second, to whom he gave 2 talents also doubled them. The third, in fear, dug a hole and buried the talent doing nothing with it. The master was well pleased with the first two but the third was sent away.

My first note is that the servants were given in proportion to their abilities. The master did not give them more than they were able to handle, nor less. He knew what they could do-he did not give the “one talent servant” 5 talents before he left-he knew his ability. In turn, we have been given exactly what we should have-in accordance to our abilities. As we do more of what we should with what we have been given, we will be given more responsibility. I ask myself, what am I doing with my talents? Have I gradually been given more “Kingdom responsibility” or less? As I give out, I will get. As I bless others with what the Lord has given me, I will be blessed. The blessing and the getting is only so I can give out more and bless more. Lord show me opportunities to invest my talents-whether I am a 5 talent, 2 talent or 1 talent saint. Teach me to do right with what you have given me. I want to be ready when He comes and be able to show Him that his investment in me was worth His while.

The last description is about Him separating us like goats and sheep-sheep to His right, goats to His left. He will welcome the sheep saying when I was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, imprisoned-you met all these needs for me when you met these needs in the least of men (least, by man’s estimation) and the goats He will send into eternal fire saying when I was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, imprisoned-you did not meet these needs b/c you did not meet these needs for the least of men.

I want to be ready to go away and celebrate with my Lord. I want my oil to be plenty, my talents to be multiplied and my service to the least of men to be evident. I want to be ready…

Are YOU?

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