
Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Chase

But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go’ wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!” When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go with her, she said nothing more. (Ruth 1:16-18 NLT)

Ruth was a Moabitess. She was not of Naomi’s people. She didn’t know where she was going, didn’t even know if they would accept her. She didn’t know if she was going to famine or fortune, danger or safety, she had no idea. But she knew and trusted Naomi, she loved her dearly.

This caused me pause. Ruth loved Naomi almost desperately. Do I love the Lord like this? Do I feel in my heart (whether I say it or not), “Lord, where you go, I will follow”? Do I feel like, “Lord, Your people will be my people”? No matter what they say to me or about me, no matter how they behave towards me…do I say, “God they are Your people, so they are mine”? I want to be this determined to chase the Lord. I want to follow Him as desperately. Naomi was a fault-filled human, my Lord is without blemish or flaw, mistake or fault and He has chosen to love me passionately. How can I not chase Him with everything in me?

I am aware that the Lord chose to go to the cross for me. He chose to take on the punishment that was meant for me. He chose me. How can I not chase after Him…

What of me?

Hey family,

I am in the midst of studying the book of Esther right now and I am filled with a renewed sense of frustration with sin and the world that I wanted to share. This is the one book in the bible where God is not directly mentioned but whose presence is weaved throughout. This young woman, an orphaned Jewess was made a queen. Her people were due to be destroyed by a man who was at the time the Kings right hand man. Encouraging her to encourage the king to save her people, her cousin and caregiver tells her that she was put in her position for "such a time as this". I look at the purposed life of this young girl and I think, "Lord...what of me?" What of this live you chose to save?

I am sick of wasting time with sin. I am tired of being caught up in the world, what it represents and the fact that it takes me away from what my God wants of me. Have I too been saved/ selected/appointed to save a people? Have you? There was a selection made at some point and God chose me. He spent time creating me, writing my name in the book, purposing my steps, laying out this life before me...and I know it just wasn't simply for me to "be". I realize that you can be a dedicated, devout "person of God" and completely miss the mark. You can serve in ministry and love people and miss the call on your life simply b/c you do not know what God has purposed for this life of yours. Can't I with the promises of God, with the knowledge that he loved me enough to send His Son to the cross-a knowledge Esther did not have-can't I too be called to something scary, something dangerous, something world-changing? Can't you? Sure. I pray that God makes these things and more real to all of us.

We serve an amazingly huge God. Why do we think He doesn't always want more of us? This is simply not it. Lord, have your way, appoint me as You Will. I pray for this burden of "needing more" be laid upon all who read this. I pray that the God of the universe, make real to us all His plans for us-or simply that He has plans for us that are bigger and greater and more than we can imagine. I pray that whatever holds us back-sin, laziness, fear, complacency, "wisdom", life...whatever it is be done away with. I pray that God's Will be done in each life He saved.



Exodus 13:21

The Lord went BEFORE them …

The Lord works most in me through relationships . Work, marriage, friends, family. God has worked something in me through all of them but especially work. When things get hot or difficult…I am paying attention to the Lord b/c I know He is about to do something with me. He is always before me then, I am looking for Him, seeking his face for what’s next, how should I be handling this, what should I be doing…in other parts of my life...not so much

Both scriptures had me thinking about waiting on the Lord’s direction. I could see us all in that desert. One of us over here talking about, “ well, He has been going in this general direction for the last few days so He probably is going to take us that way tomorrow” and “He generally has been waiting a day or so to move so we can probably expect not to move for at least a day”. We would be trying to figure it out. Like in some many parts of our lives…”we got it”

They had just finished building the Tabernacle. How much work went into that. Each time the cloud moved, they had to move with it. They didn’t know how long they were going to be at any given location, they knew only, where the cloud went, they went, WHEN the cloud went they went. They waited until they knew/saw the cloud moving before they went. Sometimes it was a few days, sometimes overnight-they didn’t know beforehand what it was going to be…they were ALWAYS in WAITING. ALWAYS anticipating a move of God. When they got it, they responded. They waited in expectation. (When we pray, are we looking for God to move? Are we expecting God to respond? Are we only looking for our own predetermined answer to prayer? Is God taking too long so you just move on your own?)

For me, this was about waiting on the Lord. So many mistakes are made in life b/c we are just not patient/expectant enough to wait on the Lord. Lord let my spirit be still enough to hear you when you are directing me, help us to be clear enough to hear you and to KNOW when you are speaking to us. Help us to be in constant contact with you and not just when we feel like we need direction. Help us to understand that your Grace truly follows us all of our days b/c you save us from so much that we have not even asked to be saved from. But it’s not just about waiting and hearing, but it’s about KNOWING you have heard from the Lord and it’s not just a fleeting feeling or impatience and then acting on that which the Lord has expressed to you.

The grass is NEVER greener on THIS side

Numbers 32:1-42

Why do we sometimes think we know better than God what is best for us?

The tribes of Gad and Ruben were on the same journey as everyone else, saw what they considered ideal land where they were, and asked to stop there and build for their people. Initially, Moses asks them, “Do you expect to stay here while your brothers cross the Jordan and fight on the other side? You ancestor did this and then discouraged the people from entering the land the Lord was giving them” He goes on to tell them that the Lord was very angry with them and punished all those 20 years and older by not allowing them to enter the land God swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

After (1) the Lord leading them all this way with the sole purpose of leading them into the promise land and (2) Moses’ warning about this being done in the past, the tribes continued to ask for this opportunity to stay where they were. Did they think there would not be “ideal” land where the Lord was leading them? They must have thought the land they were occupying was better suited for them than what the Lord would have given them on the other side…they also thought to protect their wives, children and livestock by keeping them on that side of the Jordan while others traveled and fought with their families. We don’t want to go to the other side, we want to fortify this land and protect our wives and livestock from attacks by the local people-we don’t want what the Lord has offered, by our estimation we will be safer here. Regardless of the fact that the Lord brought them through this far w/o blemish nor scar, they still felt that they would be better off on this side of the Jordan.

What is amazing, at least by the end of this chapter, is that Moses allows them this with the promise that they will fight and not leave everyone else to fight and after they have fought and “cleared” the land, they could return to the cities they fortified. However, if they didn’t stick with that promise, they would be destroyed.

The Lord will not fight for us to accept His Will and not our own. This is the danger of free will. We think we know better based on our experiences and what we see, not trusting that the Lord has seen well far into our futures and knows what is best regardless of what has happened in the past. Lord, help me to ALWAYS accept your Will for me, regardless of what I see, regardless of what I feel. THY WILL be done in Me. Only.

He "sees around the bend"...

Pain with a purpose

Psalm 139

I read this Psalm over and over. It is one of my favorites. Each time I read it the Lord reveals something else to me about how much He loves me, like how His thoughts of me are constant and can’t be counted, how he knew me before I was anything-and loved me, how He knows each day-each moment-of my life, He knew them before even one of them were lived, He is not surprised by even a single word on my tongue, a thought in my head or a feeling in my heart. He knows them all. It is intense to think I serve a God who knows me so well, so intimately and loves me so fiercely. Who can love someone so hard despite SO many flaws…only God.

Dear Lord,

Give Mary a hug for me.

She may have understood on some surface level that greatness was to come from her womb-that the Savior of the world would spring forth from her, she knew she was a part of something amazing simply by the way she was impregnated…but could she have truly known the searing pain she would experience watching her son beaten and hung? Yes, she was Mary, mother of Jesus but to us He is a savior, to her He was also her baby boy who she watched take His first steps, nursed when He was sick, cried when He was hungry and cared for as a mother cares for their child. I can only suspect that at a time or two she asked, “why me?”, “Why my son? Why now?”

Give her a hug for me.

I understand now that when you are with Christ, pain comes with a purpose. Mary did not know that my life would be saved because of the sacrifice she too made. She did not know that I was saved from the bowels of hell b/c she allowed God to do His work through her. Please tell her thank you. The Word doesn’t describe her complaints, her whines, but we see her tears-maybe even feel a bit of her pain. What strength we see in her.

This walk is always about someone else. Always. I hope she sees now what her sacrifice meant for so many. Please hug her tight and tell her the pain was not in vain.

Thank you for allowing me to know your son.

Your Daughter

Knowing the Will of God

John 19:9

He took Jesus back in to the headquarters again and asked him, “Where are you from?” But Jesus gave no answer. “Why don’t you talk to me?” Pilate demanded. “Don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or crucify you?” Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above…”

I want to know the Will of God for my life like this. Jesus was faced with his pending death and had many opportunities to defend Himself, walk away from what He knew would be the worst suffering of His life. He knew that with just a word He could have stopped all of this. We talk about this all the time: how Jesus could have called an army of angels down to stop his suffering, how He could have merely looked at his tormentors and it would’ve been over. But do we really get that? This was a REAL choice for our Lord. To make His way to the cross for us. I can imagine (in part, no doubt from seeing Passion) the noise and the confusion, the blind rage of the people who only wanted to see Him crucified, the wailing, the jeering, the anger…He could have stopped it all. But He knew the Will of His father-and He took it with Him to the cross.

I wonder what it must be like to know the Will of God for one’s life so clearly. That even the suffering parts of it are experienced differently b/c you know where this is going. To know so clearly that what is on the other end of this is so spectacular that this suffering cannot compare. The above referenced conversation stands out to me b/c Pilate is pleading-just talk to me, just tell me that you are, tell me where you are from and I will fight for you. But this is God-and knowing that Pilate could do nothing to change this course of events, refused to budge.

Sometimes when you know where the Lord is taking you the journey-with its bumps, bruises and pains-is easier to bear. The suffering becomes a means to an end…We so often get stuck in the right now. Right now this hurts, right now this feels horrible, right now…but real trust in the Lord is understanding the sacrifice of the cross. We want to be more like Jesus but that includes suffering and for us suffering without knowing the ‘why’s’ but recognizing that the end will be greater.

God chose to send Him, but He chose to stay…

About Being Ready


This morning I am reading in Matthew 25, which talks about being ready for the Lord’s return. The first example is about the bridesmaids, ten of them, 5 of which were prepared with enough oil in their lamps to wait for the grooms coming and 5 without enough. While they were waiting for the groom they all fell asleep. They were awakened with a shout informing them of his arrival and the 5 bridesmaids with enough oil went in with him while the other 5 went to go buy more oil for their lamps. By the time they returned, the door to the marriage feast had been locked. When they begged to be let in the groom said, “I solemnly declare to you, I do not know you[I am not acquainted with you]”.

-I don’t want to be one of the bridesmaids without enough foresight to have enough oil to wait it out. What does the oil represent? I believe it represents lots of things like faith, trust, patience-I would not want to be found without any of these when He returns. Without them I may be taking things into my own hands and doing things I should not be. It could also represent the Holy Spirit-for the non-believer. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation either.

The second example was of the 3 servants whose master went on a long trip and left them each with a certain number of talents that was in proportion to their abilities. The first, who he gave 5 talents to, invested them and doubled what he was given, the second, to whom he gave 2 talents also doubled them. The third, in fear, dug a hole and buried the talent doing nothing with it. The master was well pleased with the first two but the third was sent away.

My first note is that the servants were given in proportion to their abilities. The master did not give them more than they were able to handle, nor less. He knew what they could do-he did not give the “one talent servant” 5 talents before he left-he knew his ability. In turn, we have been given exactly what we should have-in accordance to our abilities. As we do more of what we should with what we have been given, we will be given more responsibility. I ask myself, what am I doing with my talents? Have I gradually been given more “Kingdom responsibility” or less? As I give out, I will get. As I bless others with what the Lord has given me, I will be blessed. The blessing and the getting is only so I can give out more and bless more. Lord show me opportunities to invest my talents-whether I am a 5 talent, 2 talent or 1 talent saint. Teach me to do right with what you have given me. I want to be ready when He comes and be able to show Him that his investment in me was worth His while.

The last description is about Him separating us like goats and sheep-sheep to His right, goats to His left. He will welcome the sheep saying when I was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, imprisoned-you met all these needs for me when you met these needs in the least of men (least, by man’s estimation) and the goats He will send into eternal fire saying when I was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, imprisoned-you did not meet these needs b/c you did not meet these needs for the least of men.

I want to be ready to go away and celebrate with my Lord. I want my oil to be plenty, my talents to be multiplied and my service to the least of men to be evident. I want to be ready…

Are YOU?


John 21:1-14

Our God is amazing.

This is the description of the third time Jesus appears to the disciples after the resurrection. He appears to them “beside the Sea of Galilee” and Simon Peter tells them he is going fishing. So they leave Jesus and join him. The disciples are out at sea all night but they catch nothing.

“Morning was already breaking when Jesus came to the beach and stood there. However, the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. So Jesus said to them, ‘Boys (children), You do not have any meat (fish) do you? [Have you caught anything to eat along with your bread?] They answered Him, No! (21:4-5 AMP)

He instructs them to cast their net on the right side of the boat to find some fish. So, they cast the net, and of course they caught such a huge mass of fish they had difficulty hauling it back to shore.

“When they got out on land (the beach) they saw a fire of coals there and fish lying on it [cooking], and bread. Jesus said to them, Bring some of the fish which you have just caught. So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net to land, full of large fish, 153 of them; and though there were so many of them, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, Come [and] have breakfast” (21:9-12 AMP)

My first thought is that Jesus made them breakfast. While they were out trying to catch breakfast, Jesus was making it for them-there is so much in that alone. I really just started to cry when I read that. He made them breakfast. This is the same God who created the heavens and the earth. The same God to whom everything in this world belongs, our Abba Father, caring for his disciples. I sometimes forget that part of God. The God that used to help me find change for the bus or provide a parking space for me. The God who knows every hair on my head and the words I speak before I think them. The God who loved me before I existed. My intimate Dad. He is that kind of God.

Our God is one of intimacy. One who is interested in meeting our most basic needs, caring for us, being tender and thoughtful of us, while being the God of All. The idea that while they were out fishing and Jesus, knowing they had been out all night and were probably tired and hungry, was on the beach making food for them, is so touching to me. So often I miss that side of God.

I am glad that He is who I serve. A God who cares about me so fiercely that while He has my future mapped out, He also cares about me in a basic, human way.

The same Jesus who was miraculously putting fish into their net, was preparing breakfast for them…

The same Lord who breathed the Holy Spirit into them the chapter before, was providing for their basic needs…

The same God who gave your heart a beat this morning, will help you through ANY and EVERY situation.

He loves you that much...

A Troubled Pilate

Luke 23:4

“…I find nothing wrong with this man!”

John 18:38

…Then he went out again to the people and told them, “He is not guilty of any crime.”

Mark 15:13

…They shouted back, “Crucify Him!” “Why?” Pilate demanded. “What crime has he committed?”

So to pacify the crowd…

John 19:19, 21-22

“And Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.”

“Then the leading priests objected and said to Pilate, “change it from ‘The King of the Jews’ to ‘He said, I am King of the Jews’ Pilate replied, “No, what I have written, I have written”

How much angst must Pilate have been filled with during this, I wonder…to be in the presence of God, knowing the Man before you is innocent but so troubled by what the people will think of you, how they will judge you, what they will say about you, if they will consider you a traitor…but KNOWING the man before you is innocent… Pilate sent Jesus to Herod because he was told He was Galilean, but Herod sent him back-also knowing of Jesus’ innocence. At one point Pilate pleads, “why don’t you talk to me? Don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or crucify you?” It was almost like he just needed to hear Jesus defend himself, just once and he would’ve fought harder for His life, what he knew to be the truth.

When I think about Pilate I think about how easy it is to ignore truth in the workplace. Unless you work in a place dominated by Christians, it just seems like work is the place that is most filled with worldly virtue/value. It is where as a Christian, you have to stand apart or risk getting “dirty” or categorized as one of the group. What that also means is that you have to be the one to refuse gossip , stay honest, avoid the “stepping on others to get to the top” mentality, and be willing to be considered lame, a “goody”, not worthy of friendship to some and too weak for promotion to others.

I always want to stand firmly on the side of truth-regardless of how the crowd sways, regardless of how loud, threatening or angry that “crowd” may be. I want to be heaven-minded and not so eager to please those here in this life remembering that its eternity that matters most. So a couple of women now consider me a “friend” b/c I gossip with them, my boss thinks highly of me b/c of my “by any means” attitude and my dishonest means which make him/her look good…is it worth it to gain the world and lose my soul? I think not.